Once Officials have registered to OfficialsHQ you can always update specific information about an individual official.
To update an official's information, go to Officials > Officials. A list of all the officials within your association will appear.
To start updating information on an official's profile, click on the official's name, then select what you would like to update. Information that can be updated include:
Basic Information - Update the official's name, gender, and date of birth as needed.
Roles - Add the umpire role to the official's profile if applicable.
Contact Details - Modify the official's email address and phone numbers to ensure accurate communication channels.
Affiliation Clubs - Specify the clubs with which the official is affiliated, reflecting any changes or additions accurately.
Rejected Teams -Add teams that the official prefers not to officiate for better match assignments.
Accreditation - Add any accreditation the official might have, which include, Working With Childrens Check and Umpire Accreditation.