We’re pleased to announce that Australian Cricket has successfully migrated to Version 2 of OfficialsHQ. From Wednesday 27th March, please use home.officialshq.com to log into the upgraded platform.
Annual Re-Registration Process
When entering OfficialsHQ 2.0 for the first time, you will be prompted to re-register in the system and confirm your previous registration details in the process.
Your profile information will carry over from Version 1. Please ensure that all your information is up to date including your address, banking details (if your association makes payment online) and working with children check details (if required by your state or territory).
Please note that re-registration is an annual process that coincides with the release of the new season. This year re-registration is being completed in conjunction with our move to Version 2.
New to OfficialsHQ?
For those registering to OfficialsHQ for the first time. Please go to registration-cricket-au.officialshq.com to complete your first registration. If required by your association, please have your Working With Children check and Banking details on hand for this process. Once registered, you can update your details at any time by accessing the Account menu under your profile.
Adding Leave
If you will be umpiring for a Winter 2024 competition, please ensure that you record any leaves or unavailability that you have so that the umpire manager can appoint accordingly. For more information, please go to the ‘Adding Leave’ support article here.
Should you have any further questions regarding this update, please contact playcricketsupport@cricket.com.au.
Local State and Territory Contact Information
If you are an Umpire Manager, or are responsible for umpire administration, and would like to learn more about OfficialsHQ 2.0, please reach out to your appropriate local contact for more information:
- Matthew Skinner (QLD) – Matthew.Skinner@qldcricket.com.au
- Bede Sajowitz (NSW) – Bede.Sajowitz@cricketnsw.com.au
- Andrew Scotford (ACT) – Andrew.Scotford@cricketact.com.au
- Peter Parker (TAS) – PParker@crickettas.com.au
- Saksham Malik (VIC) – SMalik@cricketvictoria.com.au
- Craig Thomas / Sarah Fry (SA) – CThomas@saca.com.au / SFry@saca.com.au
- John Sherry (WA) - John.Sherry@wacricket.com.au
PlayCricket Support – Hours of Operation
If you are an Umpire and would like assistance with re-registering, updating leaves or any of your tasks, please contact us at PlayCricket Support. Our hours of operation are published on PlayCricket Support, where you can reach us by:
- Submitting a support request
- Booking a 1 on 1 training session for in-depth support at a time that suits you
- Chatting to us in real time through messaging
- Giving us a call