With resources on finalising matches, player eligibility and more, we're on hand to ensure your path to finals is smooth. |
Confirm player eligibility with statistics & permits Now is a good time to check in on players' eligibility for finals, by confirming permits are up to date and they have played a sufficient number of matches..
Here are some of our popular resources, and we are available for personalised support seven days a week.
Refresher on closing an innings or finalising a match in e-scoring Being clear on how to end an innings or a match can avoid problems with results attributing to ladders. For the correct processes, please feel free to pass these guides on to your scorers:
We have had a small number of reports where matches are unable to be finalised. If your scorers encounter this problem, they can contact us at PlayCricket Support and we will be happy to help.
Scoring day two of a match if day one's results are entered in the admin portal If scores are entered into the PlayHQ admin portal at the end of the first day of a two day match, e-scoring will not be available for day 2. In this situation, scores should be recorded in a score book and entered into the admin portal at the end of the match.
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Each weekly update can also be viewed at PlayCricket Support. |