Before you can start paying your officials, the system needs to know who needs to be paid what expense.
To add an expense, you will need to go to Configurations > Financial > Cost line types which is located in the top menu bar.
The overview of the Cost line types page will be opened, from here you will have the option to:
- Add a new Cost line type.
- Edit an existing Cost line type.
When clicking the ‘plus’ symbol a new screen will be opened to add a new Cost line type. While adding a new cost line type, there are only two mandatory fields: Name and Cost Type. The other fields are optional.
If you would like the cost line type to be calculated per e.g. kilometre etc the unit cost check box will need to be ticked. This option signifies a specific official will be paid per unit instead of one basic amount paid to all relevant officials.
Once you have entered the relevant details on this page click Save and you can continue on the next step the Appointment Rates where you will enter how much an empire is getting paid.
To do this go to Configurations > Financial > Appointment Rates which can be found in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
When you are on the Appointment Rate configurations screen enter the correct search criteria in the filter which will pop up when first entering the page. Make sure you’re adding the rates for the correct season, sports discipline, level and sublevel. Click Ok once you’re satisfied with the filter.
When on the Appointment Rate configurations, you can enter rates for the whole competition or per grade, if your grades differ in payments to umpires, to change from the whole competition to an individual grade do this be switching from Level-sublevel to Divisions on the top right-hand corner of the page.
To add a rate, click on the competition or grade and the click the + icon to start adding your rates.
The following information will need to be filled out before you can save the rate:
Cost Type: What kind of rate is this.
Umpire Type: Which umpire type will get this expense?
Effective Date: From which date onwards will this rate be effective.
Net Amount: What is the net amount of money the officials will receive.
Cost Line Type: Depending on the cost types configured in the first step and the option you select for ‘Cost type’, you will get a different list of options in the ‘Cost line type’ dropdown list.
Debtor Type: Who needs to pay.
End Date & Cost for Club are optional.
Once the information has been filled out click Save to add this appointment rate.
In the instance where you have added an individual pay rate but if there is only one umpire is appointed and the pay rate increases you can use the Additional fee option as follows.
Click the + icon and the Cost type should be "Additional Fee" and fill in the relevant information and in the Applied for number of appointed umpires choose 1, this means if there is only one umpire appointed to the match they will get the additional fee on top of the match fee.
Please note that this is an additional fee so this fee will be added on top of the fee previously added when creating the match fee.
Configure Pay Rates for other Grades as required