This article will show you how to confirm that your account is set up correctly for your current and historical statistics to merge.
You will need to have the PlayCricket App to do this task. If you don't, you can download it here:
Open the PlayCricket App & log in to your Cricket ID.
Click on the MORE icon in the bottom right corner.
Click on the Account you want to check (if you are checking a dependent, they will display under the primary account on this screen).
If set up correctly, you should see a PlayHQ Account and a MyCricket ID here.
If you see the incorrect details here you can fix this up:
- Incorrect MyCricket ID - Click on the MyCricket ID & De-link it > Re-link the correct MyCricket ID.
- Incorrect PlayHQ Account - Contact PlayCricket Support to assist you with this.
No MyCricket ID - Visit the relevant support article:
- Click Here for dependents (kids).
- Click Here for non-dependents.
- No PlayHQ Account - This would have been linked upon your registration (Click Here for the Support Article). You may have linked another Cricket ID to the PlayHQ account, please contact PlayCricket Support to help you out with this.
If set up correctly, your stats may merge in the next hour, to note some accounts may take a lot longer.
If everything is set up correctly, and you are still having issues, head here for further troubleshooting.