This article covers the full process from finding a club/centre through play.cricket.com.au to registering in PlayHQ.
If you don't know the club you're playing at click on the program finder in the navigation bar. If you already know your club you will simply be able to search it in the top right corner of the play.cricket.com.au website.
Step by Step Guide - Finding a Program
Go to the Play.cricket.com.au website.
If you know what your club or centre is called click search for club or centre in the top right corner. If you don’t know your club or centre click on Find a program, which will let you to the page below.
A map will show up (Note: It may prompt you to share your location to prefill your address).
If your address isn't prefilled, add your chosen address.
Your local clubs and programs within a 5km radius will appear based on distance from the specific location you have chosen.
If you don't have any clubs in your 5km radius, it will search for your 3 closest Clubs/Programs and they will display.
Click on Register on Club page to take you to the club cricket program offerings.
Video Run-through (direct club search)-
Video Run-through (using the Program Finder)-
Step by Step Guide - Registering through PlayHQ
The start of the registration form on PlayHQ will look like the following, where you will see all the program/team details –
Once you've reviewed the program details Click on Get Started.
If you have registered to Cricket via PlayHQ before put in your login details, If not then click Create an account. You will be prompt to create an account with your own details you will then register your child under this account.
Fill out the Sign up to PlayHQ form and click Sign Up.
You will have a verification code will be sent to your email. You will need to obtain the verification code via your email inbox and confirm the code on the PlayHQ site;
Now, log into your PlayHQ account using your email address and password.
Click the tick circle next to Register new family member or dependent and click Continue.
Choose the specific role Player to and click Continue.
Fill out your child’s details (including the pack details) and hit Save and Continue.
Acknowledge and click the tick box in regards to the Terms and Conditions below the fees and click Continue.
Next step is to link your Cricket ID, linking your cricket ID will assist in creating a greater experience when you interact with any of Cricket Australia’s products and services. Click on Link Cricket ID.
You will then be asked to log in to your Cricket ID. You will most likely already have a Cricket ID if you have –
- Registered to the Australian Cricket Family,
- Watched Streaming on Cricket.com.au,
- As a School Teacher registered as a School Ambassador
- Completed a Cricket Coaching Course.
If you don’t have a Cricket ID, click Sign Up.
Complete the details and Click Sign Up.
You will then receive a verification code to your email. Confirm the code on the Cricket ID page and hit Continue.
You will then be re-directed back to the Registration form. You will see that your Cricket ID is Linked. Click Continue.
Complete your payment details (if you have a voucher this is where you will apply it) and click confirm purchase.