If you are looking to play cricket this coming season, this is the article for you if you don't know where to go. Below will run through a step-by-step process to use the PlayCricket website to find the best program fit for you. To note if you do know where you are playing this season, you can use the search for a club or centre in the top right corner
Step by Step:
Go to the Play.cricket.com.au website.
If you know what your club or centre is called click search for club or centre in the top right corner. If you don’t know your club or centre click on Find a program, which will let you to the page below.
A map will show up (Note: It may prompt you to share your location to prefill your address).
If your address isn't prefilled, add your chosen address.
Your local clubs and programs within a 5km radius will appear based on distance from the specific location you have chosen.
If you don't have any clubs in your 5km radius, it will search for your 3 closest Clubs/Programs and they will display.
Click on Register on Club page to take you to the club cricket program offerings.
Video Run-through (direct club search)-
Video Run-through (using the Program Finder)-