Association settings
Line-up limits
The line-up limits grade setting allows association administrators to set a minimum and a maximum number of players and coaches required for a game. Limits are helpful to ensure teams have the necessary number of players and coaches for a game to proceed.
Maximum batters per innings
This setting dictates the maximum number of batters allowed to be selected from the team line-up.
Application: Competition Setting – Admin Portal (Association) > Competition > Settings > Game Defaults > Two Day+
Grade Setting – Admin Portal (Association) > Competition > Season > Grade > Settings > Game > Two Day+
Adding players to line–up on Day Two+
Presuming that the additional player to the line-up is within the parameters selected by the Association, the player can be added to the line-up via the electronic scoring application (
To do so, make sure the player is in the team squad on the admin portal (Allocate Players to a Squad).
Then in the escore platform click the team you wish to add the player to and select edit line-up.
From here, you can Add Players to the team line-up.